Cohort: The Green Letters
A classic book for contemporary times, discussing essential principles for spiritual growth.
Service Description
Perhaps the greatest drama in the world is the slow and subtle growth of character in the Christian. The Christian life is a healthy, robust kind of life. It advances often through trials, for in one who has faith even suffering is not wasted, but becomes a means for increasing spiritual vigor and strength. Each participant is tasked with numbering the paragraphs in each chapter and underlining or circling something of interest or inquiry in each of those paragraphs. The chapters are short, the subjects thought provoking, the discussion robust. Facilitated by Glen Schrieber and gathering every two weeks, each evening's conversation will be centered on what has most caught the attention of its readers. The book, The Green Letters aka Principles of Spiritual Growth by Mile J. Stanford, can be purchased on Amazon. Week 1: Preface and chapter one, Faith, September 11 Week 2: Time and Acceptance, September 25 Week 3: Purpose and Preparation, October 9 Week 4: Complete in Him and Appropriation, October 23 Week 5: Identification and Consecration, November 6 Week 6: Self and Self-denial, November 20 Week 7: The Cross and Discipleship, December 4 Week 8: Process of Discipleship and Rest, December 18 Week 9: Help and Cultivation and Continuance, January 8 8:30 p.m. Eastern Time